Posted on 7/25/2019

What’s a moped? mo·ped/ˈmōˌped/noun a low-power, lightweight motorized bicycle. Mopeds typically travel only a bit faster than bicycles on public roads, and possess both a motorcycle engine and pedals for propulsion. They are a great and cost effective mode of transportation, as some mopeds claim an exceptional 132 mpg! They are fairly easy to maintain and operate. All of our staff, here at Hillside Auto Repair, can asisst you with that maintenance! What is legal in Missouri? The moped, or motorized bicycle, is an ideal in-between vehicle for those who want to save gas without committing to a motorcycle. Under Missouri law, mopeds are legally “vehicles,” just like passenger cars. As such, they come with their own set of rules and regulations operators must follow. In Missouri, moped operators need a valid driver’s license. According to Missouri law, any two- or three-wheeled vehicle with an automatic transmission and maximum speeds of 30 miles per hour are technically “scooters” or ... read more
Posted on 5/14/2019

Very soon the kids will be out of school, the barbecue pits pulled out of storage and pools will be filled because summer is about to explode in St. Louis! It’s important, when planning all your summer activities to think about your vehicle’s changing needs and maintenance. Here are our tips to getting (and keeping) your car in summer shape: Coolant System Keeping cool in the summer is just as important for our cars life as it is for ours! In addition to checking the level of coolant fluid in your car, you should also check the state of the hoses (squeeze the hoses, when the engine is cool, to make sure they feel firm and not excessively squishy or soft.) and the coolant reservoir. Make sure that it’s not cracked or leaking. Keep an eye out for leaks, especially at joints and connection points, such as where a hose connects to the engine block. When driving, be sure to look at your gauges frequently-if you see the temperature going up, you need to pull over. Listening ... read more
Posted on 5/6/2019

Is your Mom amazing? Of course, she is! So go to our Facebook (link below) and follow the contest instructions. We love our Moms! Let’s celebrate them!